Thursday, September 20, 2012

Blog Exercise - Meaning 2: Interactions Between the 3 Levels of Meaning

This is a picture of a vintage Disneyland ride poster.  Posters like this one are found near the entrance of Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom in DisneyWorld.  

This poster represents the Jungle Cruise ride at Disneyland/DisneyWorld.  There are four different elements in this picture that viewers instantly recognize from the ride itself.  We see an elephant, a hippopotamus, the jungle, and the boat.  This poster is expressive and informational because it gives viewers clues as to what the ride will actually be like.  Viewers recognize the boat vehicles form the ride in this poster, as well as the animals and jungle scenery.  This ride includes scenes from a jungle that you might actually see if you were in a real jungle; this is what the poster displays.  The representation of this poster relates to the abstract and symbolic levels because of the way the elements are positioned on the poster itself.  

The elements and pictures in this poster definitely make it abstract.  First, the elephant is clearly taller than the jungle brush and scenery.  In real life, elephants are not that large/tall.  Second, if you look closely at the people in the boat, you can see emotions such as fear and curiosity: one person has a gun pointed at the hippopotamus.  This does happen in the ride itself, but it is obviously a fake gun.  The abstract level functions as the underlying visual structure of any visual information and contributes impact and emotional response.  This poster allows viewers to realize what they will be going through when they board their boat.  The abstract elements of this poster relate to the representational and symbolic forms because it provides the emotional responses.

The symbols in this poster communicate familiar ideas in our minds.  This poster includes animals, transportation vehicles and scenery to communicate to us that this ride takes a through a jungle, where guests will be abel to see animal life and be introduced to the dangers and wonders of the jungle.  The symbol of the gun in the hand of one of the passengers symbolizes danger.  The elephant and hippopotamus symbolize the wildlife.  The boat symbolizes the type of vehicle you will be riding in.  The symbols in this poster relate to the representational and abstract levels because they are some of the most iconic figures from this ride displayed on this poster.  The symbols represent what you will be seeing on the ride.  The symbols are designed and placed in a way that is abstract and not normal in everyday life (for example: the giant elephant).  

Picture Works Cited:

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