Thursday, October 4, 2012

Blog Exercise: Success/Failure of Syntactical Guidelines

This is a vintage Disneyland ride poster, depicting the Matterhorn Bobsleds ride.  This piece of graphic art is a great example of the correct usage of the Syntactical Guidelines.  First, the equilibrium of this poster is perfect: everything is centered and balanced.  The ride vehicles are centered on the page (they are the main focus of the ride).  Even though the vehicles are tilted, the design of the poster as a whole is balanced.  Second, this poster shows a lot of stress incorporated in it.  The curves of the ride track and the ride vehicles themselves are perfectly even (the vehicles are curved in a way that flows with the track).  There are also many “triangles” on this poster  (in the lecture, there was a lot of emphasis put on stress, triangles, and angles).  Third, sharpening in this poster is greatly defined.  The ride vehicles are in color, while the background and Matterhorn Mountain are in shades of blues and grays.  With the ride vehicles in color, our eyes are focused on them rather than the background.  Lastly, our eyes are attracted to the vehicles, which is the main point of the ride.

Picture Works Cited:

This is a movie poster for the Disney film, “John Carter.”  I chose this poster as a failed attempt at including the Syntactical Guidelines.  As a viewer, this poster does not impress me.  One guideline that this poster did not emphasis was sharpening.  The font color does not allow the title of the movie to shine.  The title blends into the background, making it hard to see the letters.  One thing that this poster did well was sharpening the main character of the movie, but the title should’ve been sharpened more because that is what the audience will read.  Another reason why I do not like this poster is the outline or curved line of a planet or the sun (I am not sure what it is supposed to be).   This line makes the poster look unbalanced.  I am not a fan of this poster. 

Picture Works Cited:

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