Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Visual Thinking Research

The first puzzle I chose from the list was "Name the Month."  The directions for this puzzle were: "What month is indicated by the strange symbols in the illustration?"  I worked on this assignment with my roommate, Kelly.

This is Kelly's paper.  The strategies she used were: 1.  went through all of the months, 2.  looked for the months with four letters, and 3.  found the months that started with the letter J.

This is my paper.  One strategy that I used was I covered up the top portion of the illustration with my hand (I drew a line on the paper to represent what I hid with my hand).  Once I covered up the top portion, I was able to see clearly the illustration said "July."  The McKim operation that I think is the closest to this strategy is "Finding."  Finding requires you to decide whether or not a figure is concealed in a drawing or number of drawings.

The second puzzle I chose from the list was "The Cat."  The directions were: "How many different triangles can you count in the picture of the cat?"  I did this puzzle with my roommate, Kelly.

 This is Kelly's paper.  The strategy she used was to count all of the individual triangles.

This is my paper.  The strategy that I used was to count each individual triangle one by one.  I first numbered the triangles and then went back and circled them to make sure I counted correctly.  The McKim operation that I used was "Grouping."  Grouping allows you to focus on one common shape and find al of the shapes that match that common shape.

Fact:  We (Kelly and I) actually counted 21 triangles, while the answer on the answer sheet was 20.  We found a triangle that they did not find.

Puzzles from:

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