Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tone and Color

This is a poster for the ABC television show, Once Upon a Time.

How TONE is Operating:
The tonal range in this poster is important in the way that the picture communicates with its intended audience.  In this poster, tone creates mood.  The darkness and the shadows indicate a sort of eeriness and suspense, two ideas that are prevalent in this television series. 

How TONE is Interacting:
The element that tone interacts with is the Line.  There is a wide variety in the tonal range used on the trees in the background of this poster.  The trees are perfectly or almost perfectly straight (they are the lines in this poster).  The trees in the forefront of the poster have a different tone to them than the trees further in the back.

How COLOR is Operating:
In this poster, there is little color variety.  Although this show has amazingly beautiful costumes full of color, this poster portrays those costumes in black and white.  The only color in this poster is the title of the show in gold.  Everything else is kept to black, white, or darker shades of black/blue.  The use of gold for the title gives this poster the Pop-Out Effect.  Also, the Natural Color System is used in this poster (black and white).

How COLOR is Interacting:
The element that color interacts with is Shape.  The main characters of this television series are the shapes portrayed in this poster.  Even though people aren't square shaped or circle shaped, I still consider people to be shapes.  There are some shapes that are visible in this poster through those people.  The evil queen's (second from the left) costume (her shoulders to her waist) give the outline of a triangle.  The heads of every character are circle shaped.  The characters are portrayed in darker and lighter shades of black and white, giving the title of the show the most color.  This is how color interacts with shape.

Picture Works Cited:

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