Wednesday, November 28, 2012


This is a poster for the Disney and Tim Burton film, Alice in Wonderland.  Dimension, depth, space, and scale all relate in some way in this poster.  One depth cue that I see within this poster is Overlapping.  The mushrooms are placed in front of each other, with the taller ones in the back to middle and the smaller ones on either side of the bigger ones.  This gives an effect of depth.  Another cue in this poster is Scale.  Scale applies to physical objects in space, depth perception, and graphic depictions of size.  In real life, humans are taller than mushrooms, a lot taller.  But in fantasy, reality can fly out the window.  Mushrooms can be taller than humans, and quite frankly, I'm not sure if the Mad Hatter is really human or not.  That is what's great about fantasy.  You are free to let your imagination do the talking.  This is one reason why I chose this movie poster.  Scale is a major factor in this movie, and this poster gives a great inference into what you can expect to see when you watch this movie.

Picture Works Cited:–-3d-movie-review/

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