Thursday, December 6, 2012


This is the movie poster for the Disney/Pixar film, Up.  I chose this poster because it displays motion that is clearly visible.  This movie is about an older gentleman who wants to go on one final adventure, so he rigs balloons to his house and floats away.  In this poster, you can see his house in the background, which is the start of the motion and movement.  Attached to the house is a garden hose with Dug, Russell, and Mr. Fredrickson.  These three characters are hanging on for dear life as the house floats above them.  You can see the motion and movement because they are flying through the clouds, as the house floats higher and higher.  You can also tell that there is movement in this poster because the characters look like they are falling down in our direction.  The motion in this poster is implied motion, which is clearly and creatively displayed.

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This is a movie poster for the Disney film, Tangled.  There are many parts of this poster where you can see an implied motion or movement.  The first is the lanterns floating up into the night sky.  These lanterns start from one common source and then as they float into the sky, they disperse across the top of the poster.  The second part of the poster that shows motion and movement is Rapunzel's hair.  Her long, flowing, blonde hair cascades behind her in a spiraling motion.  It seems to float through the air.  The third part of the poster where you can see motion and movement is the boat in the water.  If you look at the bottom of the boat, there is water that splashes around it.  The splashing water indicates the boat is moving forward.  

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