Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Visual Techniques

Visual Techniques:

Visual Techniques:

The Results Between the Two Design Works:

The first picture is a vintage Disneyland poster for the “Autopia” ride, and the second picture is a poster for the CBS television show, Hawaii Five-0.  The “Autopia” poster is designed differently than the Hawaii Five-0 poster.  With the “Autopia” poster, the design has more flatness than the other poster.  I can tell the “Autopia” poster is more flat because of the lines and shapes used; the Hawaii Five-0 poster has more depth because there are actually real people in the poster layout and the water splashing around those people creates more depth.  Both of these posters give a visual message describing what either the ride or the television show will entail.  The “Autopia” poster tells audiences that you will embark on a ride that involves cars, roads, and curves.  You can tell this because of the curved lines and overpass in the poster design.  The Hawaii Five-0 poster shows audiences the four main characters of the show and you can infer that the show takes place somewhere with ocean water because there is water splashing around the characters.  The Disneyland vintage poster shows how simple a design can be but still gets a message across to an audience.  The simplicity of this design has a great impact on audiences because the message comes across straight to the point.  The Hawaii Five-0 poster design is more complex and involves a great deal more depth and activity than the Disneyland poster.  This design creates realness and is more life-like than the Disneyland poster.

Picture Works Cited:



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